Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Video ---- 5-19-10

Here is the link to the video I used for this observation:

Hungerford's lesson has students working with a computer program that simulates the management of a department store. The students observe how price shifts affect supply and demand; they also use a website creator to develop a corporate website for their business to report on profits and sales. I think the strengths of this lesson are the real world applications of this software - many companies use similar products to plan their sales; also students see examples of how price changes can affect their lives through products they might buy. One weakness of this lesson is that the teacher doesn't build off student examples very well. For example, one student gave an example of her place of employment and how they lacked a sufficient number of clams to meet the demand. In stead of responding to this student's example the teacher continued to ask questions about products the students might buy.

One thing I would add to this lesson plan would would be to have students visit a local business and do one of two things: first, interview the owner and ask them questions about why and when they change prices; second, they could record prices of products they buy over the course of one or two weeks - noting any changes in price by creating a graph.

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