Thursday, May 20, 2010

Missouri's Seasons Video

Here is the link for the video I watched for this observation:

The objective of this lesson is for students to earn about the weather and climate of Missouri. This objective was met by having students listen to Vivaldi's "Four Season" and respond by listing words that describe each season.

The strengths of this lesson were: the use of technology to connect the students to different regions of their locality and the use of multiple intelligences for learning material (music, numerical, intrapersonal).

One weakness of this lesson was that the teacher did the internet research for the students. At first I thought this was because there weren't enough computers available for all the students, but it appears that the students were able to work on computers in pairs to create spreadsheets. I think the teacher could have had these students work in pairs to do both the research and the spreadsheets.

The students use technology by researching the temperatures of five cities in Missouri during the different seasons by using the internet. The students then used Microsoft Excel spreadsheets to calculate the average temperature for each of the cities during each of the seasons.

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