Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I am now a teacher!

I started working at the same school as my wife about two weeks ago! I am so excited to be teaching again - it is awesome.

I have four classes: one class of 24 seniors preparing for the TOEFL Test, two classes of secretary students (one of 7 students and the other with 15), and a Shelter or English Reinforcement class of 3 students.

So far what I've done with my students (except the Shelter students):

- "Me Poems": I used this assignment as an introductory activity for all my classes, each student wrote six simple statements about themselves in English. Student then shared these "Poems" with the class.

- Create a Movie Scene Activity: I split each class into small groups and gave each group a setting in which they were to create a "Movie Scene". Students had to create dialogue, describe their setting, and introduce their characters. Some of the Scenes were very dramatic and definitely a lot of fun.

- "Create Your Own Planet": This activity is in the process at the moment, but the goal is for each student to create a planet and describe it using an essay and a poster. The essay must be 1 or 2 paragraphs and use lots of descriptive words to describe the planet. The posters are what I'm most excited for - each student must draw their planet and any lifeforms living on their planet. This poster will be presented to the class next week Tuesday when the project is due.

Well, I've done a few other things with my students so far and I will write about those in the future. For the time being I'm super pysched to be teaching again! Yes!

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