Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Getting back in the blogging game

All right folks...I need to get back into this blogging thing. I have left you too long without my knowledge and wisdom on education. :-) Well for what it's worth I'm going to try to be more active with this blogging.

A little update for anyone who reads this: my wife and I have left Guatemala, we found out she was pregnant before we left Guatemala, we moved in with my in-laws, our daughter was born safe and healthy on May 21st 2012, and we are now living in Wisconsin. My wife is teaching third grade bilingual education to third graders and I am a Stay-at-Home Dad. I have a little spare time on my hands so I should be able to update this blog.

Some things I've added:

Custom Google Search. This feature allows readers to search education websites for articles. These are websites that are either from universities or they are the web versions of education publications. If you have suggestions for a website that I should include in this search please don't hesitate to comment.

Some things to come:

Lesson Plan Page. I will be completing a page I started a few months ago that will be dedicated to lesson plans. On this page I will have a mixture or my own lesson plans and reviews of lesson plans that I have found on the internet.

That's all for now. Happy Thanksgiving!

L. Prince


Elementary School Lesson Plans, Third, Fourth and Fifth Grade: Integrating the Learning of Mathematics with the Game of Baseball (Google Affiliate Ad)

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