Friday, August 26, 2011

An interesting week

This week has been very intersting. It was the "Finishing Week" for two of the graduating groups at Colegio Boston. This means that there were a large number of activities for these two groups to help prepare them for the next phase of their education. Neither of these groups are students of mine, but because the activities they are participating in are useful for my students I didn't have students for most of my classes this week. Monday I spent the day planning and reading (as well as attending a party thrown by my Secretary students for the graduating Secretarial students). Tuesday I had one class in the morning and then nothing for the rest of the day. Wednesday I had one class in the afternoon that went to a seminar on "proper make-up use" and my next class was almost entirely absent. On Thursday I spent the morning working at the hostel and then rode the bus to school for my one class at 2 o'clock; this class went ahead as usual. Today (Friday) has been the only normal day of my week.

So it has been an interesting week filled mostly with a lot of dead time doing planning and reading. I am looking forward to next week when things return to normal and I get to have my students back.

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