Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Technology in the Classroom

Here is a link to the video I watched for this observation: http://www.intime.uni.edu/video/016moms/8/

Today in our class we observed technology being used in a classroom by watching a video of students creating a news program for their school. The students are sixth graders from a middle school of third through sixth grade.

The most authentic thing about this experience was that the students were creating the news broadcast themselves with very little involvement by teachers. The students were responsible for organizing the interviews, gathering information about weather or birthdays, they created the PowerPoint displays, videotaped the broadcast, and edited the video. This experience is a demonstration of student-centered learning in which students create knowledge

Specific technologies used by the students include: PowerPoint Presentation, digital photography, digital video, video editing software, Microsoft Word Processing, and Internet research.

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