Monday, September 5, 2011

Link between Teachers and students

Linking Student Data to Teachers a Complex Task, Experts Say

I got this article from in a new effort to read more journal, newspaper, and scholarly articles on teaching. I hope to learn more about the issues and concerns of educators in the U.S. in preparation for a future return to the U.S. to teach. I feel this is something that my Northern Education teachers tried to impress upon me as a student, but I never fully grasped the importance of this type of study. Perhaps it was the fact that I was told or required to read only scholarly articles first and forgo articles of equal value, but with less complex jargon.

This article is about efforts to create better technologies to determine how to link teachers to students with the ultimate goal being to base some part of a teacher's overall performance on the performance of their students. I appreciate the effort by the parties involved with this project to try to develop a better way to accurately link students that actually attend class to a particular teacher (or for a teacher to select which students were actually taught by said teacher) but I still am against linking teacher pay to student performance. Especially if the final determiner is a student's performance on a standardized test. Data related to student's actual attendance does seem valuable --- what better way to demonstrate why a student is struggling if you can prove that the student is rarely present in your classroom.

Linking Student Data to Teachers a Complex Task, Experts Say

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