Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Lesson Plans for Purchase

I have found a great website called: Teachers Pay Teachers. This is a great tool for educators because you can both upload your own lesson plans and download lesson plans from other teachers. You have the option to get paid for your lesson plans or make them free. And it's the same for downloads - some are free and others you have to pay for.

Here's my profile on Loren Prince's Store. It's worth checking out if you are a Social Studies or History teacher grades 6 through 12. I have already uploaded a few things and will be adding more during the next couple weeks.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Lesson Plans

Here is a link to my Google Website. On this particular page you'll find a few examples of some of the lessons I have created. These are just PowerPoints so there are lesson guides or core standards listed. These were individual lessons I created for the World History class that I taught when I was a student teacher.


Education Portfolio Lesson Plans