Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Help Educate Kids in Guatemala

El Hato School (Escuela El Hato) is a public school located in an 100% indiginous village. Although it is a public school most students are unable to afford the cost of attending. Earth Lodge is an organization accepting monetary donations to provide school supplies and food for these students. Please read Earth Lodge's blog to find more information on how you can help these kids at El Hato.

Your donations will help to provide:
- school supplies at the beginning of the school year and through out the year as donations are received
- a weekly supply of vegtables to supliment the students' diet

Thank you for taking the time to read this and your consideration of donating is greatly appreciated by this educator.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

A great article on keeping up stamina for the school year

Teaching Secrets: After the Honeymoon

Helpful tips for keeping your energy up for the full school year. Mostly common sense stuff, but always good to read about how you can make yourself a better teacher.