Thursday, June 3, 2010

"Learning Styles Don't Exist" Video

This video is supporting the argument that learning styles do not exist. It describes how the common belief in different learning styles among students is wrong. For example, he disproves visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning by explaining how it is not possible for students to learn in these different ways.

I have trouble understanding or knowing what to say about this video. I am not completely sold on the idea that teachers should abandon teaching methods that focus on different learning styles. I will use teaching methods in my class that focus on different learning models - for example: kinesthetic activities that give students physical experiences to relate to or videos that utilize both audio and visuals together. I feel that this video emphasized that the meaning of teaching activities is more important that whether they match a student's supposed learning style. I agree that how meaningful or applicable an activity is to a student is very important, but I think it is also important how that meaning is presented. If a student works well with auditory repetition or drawing pictures to gain understanding then presenting them information in that way is meaningful. Teachers can present information to students in specific learning modalities, but they can also encourage students to discover information in the best way that suits their needs.

Anyway - t0 me personally I think the verdict is still out on learning styles and multiple intelligences. I was not convinced by the video or the class discussion that these methodologies are not useful in the classroom. Trying to have students learn in different ways through unique experiences is a worthy goal for teachers and will be one of my goals as a teacher.

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